($29) Magic Bookifier Lifetime Deal AppSumo

Although you are aware that your book ideas have the potential to become bestsellers, finding the time to write seems to be a huge scheduling challenge. Regardless of one’s skill level, creating a book necessitates conducting extensive research and making careful adjustments on multiple drafts.

Would you like to produce a book in a matter of minutes, chapter by chapter, with the assistance of an AI ghostwriter? Use AI to transform your written and audio content into an ebook. Working with a writing coach who conducts knowledge-based interviews can help you write in-depth manuals, whitepapers, textbooks, and more.

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Magic Bookifier Lifetime Deal Appsumo

What Magic Bookifier Lifetime Deal Can Do?

You only need to click once to transform your audio content into a polished ebook. The best part is that all it takes to create a 2,000–3,000 word ebook using Magic Bookifier is a descriptive title. This is really helpful when making guides that are educational or when making lead magnets to encourage additional email signups.

Long-form blog entries are another way you may use this to improve your website’s search engine results. You can let the AI compose the entire ebook for you by just entering the title. Furthermore, Magic Bookifier makes it simple to construct your book chapter by chapter, allowing you to take on ambitious writing projects without feeling overwhelmed.

You can give the chapter creator instructions in up to 3,000 words, or you can just let the AI write the chapter on its own. This implies you will have more control over the finished product and be able to produce large literary works like novels and textbooks.

How It Magic Bookifier Lifetime Deal Work?

An AI writing aid called Magic Bookifier handles every step of the writing process, from the first draft to the last edit. You can acquire an intelligent writing assistant with Magic Bookifier that can organize your disorganized ideas and thoughts into a well-structured manuscript.

Writing down everything you want to say is quite easy! You can respond to interview questions generated by the AI by voice response or typing. After that, the AI will automatically condense, arrange, and expand the main concepts to create a captivating book with chapters. Once you respond to a series of interview questions, the Writing Coach will work on a preliminary draft.

Do you want to incorporate pre-existing content into your book? With only one click, you can convert your audio files into a coherent ebook by uploading them. Your audio recordings can even be automatically transcribed so they can be used as show notes or subtitles.

Additionally, you can submit any kind of audio file without any problems because Magic Bookifier supports a variety of file formats, including MP3, M4A, and WAV.

At Last

With the Chapter Creator, you may write extensive and intricate books one chapter at a time.

It turns out that having a strong AI writing assistant is the key to overcoming writer’s block.  With its many capabilities, Magic Bookifier will assist you in quickly turning your thoughts and current information into a well-written book.

Accelerate the writing of your book.

Magic Bookifier Lifetime Deal (Pricing)

Tier 1 ($29)Tier 2 (58)Tier 3 ($87)

All features above included

All features above included

All features above included
100 (~60,000 words per month) monthly credits
200 (~120,000 words per month) monthly credits
500 (~350,000 words per month) monthly credits

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