($59) Dealintent Lifetime Deal AppSumo

You may have noticed that research may sometimes feel like an Olympic event if you’ve ever fallen into an internet rabbit hole. However, to develop compelling, successful, and customised sales pitches, you must learn as much as you can about your potential customers.

To increase sales, you therefore need an AI-powered application that facilitates the expediting of prospective customer research. Determine which of your prospects are highly-intent and track their involvement with your sales proposals.

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Dealintent Lifetime Deal Appsumo

What Dealintent Lifetime Deal Can Do?

Create eye-catching sales proposals with the drag-and-drop editor to wow your prospects. Better yet, Dealintent allows you to see buyer intent and unseen players by providing you with activity data on your proposals.

Analyse the overall time and length views for your proposal, then go deeper to identify the portions that require the most time.

Additionally, you can easily monitor the progress of the deal by creating an action plan with tasks and deadlines for prospects to fulfil using this application. DealIntent enables you to monitor KPIs for gauging response to your sales pitches.

You can visualise, manage, and cultivate your deals through each stage of the sales funnel using DealIntent. You will receive a summary of your deals’ details, such as the number of open deals at any one time, the total deal value, the total time spent on them, and the total number of views. From there, you may determine which consumers have the highest intent and observe their peak activity periods to reach out to them at the appropriate moment.

How It Dealintent Lifetime Deal Work?

Create more focused sales pitches by using AI to find out the personal and professional information of your customers. With the use of Dealintent, an AI-powered sales enablement platform, you can uncover customer insights and craft tailored pitches that increase revenue.You may stop wasting hours on tedious manual prospect research when you use Dealintent’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

You will be able to learn about the preferences and personality types of your buyers, as well as their backgrounds. Once you have that vital knowledge under your belt, you can craft more persuasive and customised sales pitches that persuade people to buy. You can learn about the buyer’s past and personality with a few clicks.

DealIntent is a completely branded virtual sales room that makes it simple to present your customised pitch to prospective customers. To make a dynamic sales presentation that stands out, you can incorporate numerous file kinds, include your branding elements, and integrate media assets.

Drag and drag any element on the page, including rich text, photos, videos, and PDF embeds, to quickly and easily construct a fully customised proposal. Moreover, this programme is really easy to incorporate into your workflow because it interacts with over 50 tools, like Canva, Airtable, Trello, and Monday.com.

Conclusion :

To increase sales, determine which customers have the highest intent and when they are most likely to act.

It should not be necessary to sift through outdated social media posts in order to comprehend potential customers. Fortunately, Dealintent leverages AI to provide you with critical buyer information, enabling you to craft tailored proposals and clinch more deals.

Accelerate the sales cycle.

Dealintent Lifetime Deal (Pricing)

Tier 1 ($59)Tier 2 ($179)Tier 3 ($299)
All features above includedAll features above includedAll features above included
1 seat(s)2 seat(s)4 seat(s)
25 rooms80 rooms150 rooms

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